Friday, November 19, 2010

The Other Choice

 When I posted the short stories I wrote yesterday on my blog: The Journey Begins Today - SHORT Stories I kept pondering this one:

Title: The Other Choice (Based on Luke 9:61-62) © JJ Bogdanowicz
 He left without saying goodbye.  Stunned, she took a deep breath. Eternal purpose had been chosen, trusting the Master’s provision. Destiny called them both.

Here is the scripture that gave me that concept:

Luke 9:61 Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”
 62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

I have been pondering those words much like those from Luke 14:25-27  I wrote about in my Blog called Hating Others?
I wrote that blog over two weeks ago and the scriptures are resonating in my spirit like I am supposed to do something with them, only I am not exactly sure what. 

That brings me back to the short story. Looking at the verse through the eyes of a wife with children to take care of, I put myself in the shoes of the wife (assuming he had one) of the man who asked Jesus that question. What if he decided to follow Jesus? It doesn't say that he did, but since we are all forced to make similar decisions based on our willingness to obey Christ, the question is worth asking I think. 

I can't imagine my husband going into town to see this man everyone is talking about and then never coming home. Why would God do that? 

We value family to a certain degree in this culture. Some populations more than others, for sure, but I have seen many Christian families "circle their wagons" and put their "family" as their primary focus and calling. I am NOT saying that our families are not important priorities. They are! But as I have struggled with prioritizing my family life with the things God is asking me to do with my time, and sometimes I have been challenged to consider what is more important. 

The answer is not always clear, but for the most part, I have leaned on the Bible (wherever I seem to be studying at the moment is usually relevant to the issue), my discernment, and the wisdom of my husband. He always seems to have a consistent understanding of what God is doing in my world and how to help me prioritize, even when it makes him or me uncomfortable. I also consult other people that are involved in my life who will tell me the hard truth if I get off balance. 

So, again, back to the story. If he chose to walk away from his family to follow Christ, what about his wife? Their children? Their income? 

What I know about the character of God is that He can provide for needs we didn't even know we had. He faithfully releases encouragement, support, finances, employment, wisdom, gifts, to name a few, for our benefit and blessing. You can't convince me that his wife was off of God's radar. If he had made "The Other Choice", she would have been taken care of. Because that is who God is. I am not saying her life would be easy. I can only imagine the heartbreak, the loss, the confusion, the embarrassment of judgment from others who did not understand, but God would have been there. 

I want to remember that always. Whatever He asks me, or my Love, or my children to do, He will be there. For all of us.  

1 comment:

  1. What perfect timing this blog post is for the struggle I am currently going through in my life. I am really been relying heavily on His word and I keep coming back to Jeremiah 29:11.

    Thank you for writing this inspiring post.
