Monday, May 10, 2010

Prism Progress...

I have been inspired by the movie Julie and Julia in a strange way. I realized after watching it I have NEVER done anything 365 days in a row. Except maybe use the bathroom... SO - today I begin a new adventure. I am putting to action all the tools the Lord has given me over the years and implementing them for the next year in an attempt to live the transforming life God is calling me to. That may not make tons of sense right now, but follow this blog and it will over time.

My posts on this blog may not be long as I attempt to do this every day. But I really believe that the daily commitment to becoming the healthy and well balanced woman God made me to be will be exposed in the next year.

Prism is a program that will be helping me on this journey. So will Rachel Cosgrove's book the Female Body Breakthrough. So will my husband, friends and family that support and encourage me every day, no matter the size of my booty, the attitude of the moment, or event the words out of my mouth.

Now, off to get a snack for my fellas, laundry, housecleaning, dish doing, etc that is a part of my daily journey.

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