Thursday, August 12, 2010

Under the weather

Today I woke up later than usual. But only because I was up (conservatively guessing) at least 9 times. Each of my three sons woke up at least three times! It was crazy! Erik even got up with the boys at least two other times - when I couldn't move!

I had intermittent weird dreams in between each "awakening" and by the time I got out of bed I knew it was gonna be a tough one to recover from.

Then my stomach started to roll. Ugh. I really hoped that I wasn't going to have to bag my entire day, but, there ya have it... I did. I bagged the day.

 Missing my swim class was a big bummer. Missing my MOPS planning meeting - a bigger bummer.

Several things I didn't miss today - following through with the correction my oldest son is requiring right now, talking with a few friends who needed "pep" talks, talking with my sons, holding Peter's hand, laughing with their silly noises and faces, checking my FB profile to find that a sweet friend had me on her heart today, and some much needed reading in my favorite quiet spot at the Kroc.

Now, so I don't miss some quality time with the Love of my life, I am going to cut this short and say good night!! ;)

Here's hoping we will ALL sleep tonight!

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